Welcome to Equi Technologies Int.
Equi Technologies Int. carries out its activity in the research and development of platforms that incorporate emerging innovative technologies. Click here to learn more about our work.
Equi Technologies participates in and benefits from the resources offered by the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub program
The research is aimed at the development and integration of the most innovative and relevant technologies in the current scenario
Equi Technologies participated in the development of the platform called APP4AR for the creation, maintenance and deployment of augmented reality.

Advanced Calls Support APP: Integrated artificial intelligence tools to support the multi-language voice call ecosystem.
Ecosystem where many participants take advantage of integrated tools for voice recognition, multi-language translation, reading translations, grammatical correction, moderation of sessions, creation of conferences, suspension and resumption, invitation alerts.
Resource counting system based on Ethereum Smart Contract
2915 Ogletown Road, #346
Newark, DE 19713
Phone number
001 - 302-444-5274
Thank you for visiting our website.
If you wish you can leave a voicemail message, including your email, to the telephone number below. We will take care of contacting you. You can leave the message in any language supported by our ecosystem.
Thank you
001 - 302-444-5274